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Can You Siphon Gas From A New Car: Car Forum Answer

Siphoning gas from a vehicle is generally frowned upon because criminals often use the procedure to steal gas from parked vehicles. However, you might need to siphon gas from your car if you have an emergency, as newer car models tend to be more difficult to siphon gas from.

Can You Siphon Gas From A New Car? Yes, you can siphon gas from a new car, but you will need to park your car on a slope so that the suction pipe can get past the anti-siphon device and then use a pump to suck out the gas.

In a guide on siphoning gas from a car, NADAguides mentions that you can siphon with a professional siphon tool, air pressure, or with your mouth. The method you use depends on the situation you are in and the tools available at your disposal. However, mouth siphoning can be dangerous for your health.

Can You Siphon Gas Out Of Any Car?

Yes, you can siphon gas out of any car by using a siphoning hose and a gasoline container. However, siphoning gas from a newer car is a bit more difficult and tricky than siphoning from older cars. 

Siphoning gas is a necessary skill to learn, especially in times of emergencies, like when you have run out of gas in your other car or your generator. You can siphon gas out of any car, but for modern cars, it is a bit more difficult because of the anti-siphon valves and device that comes with modern cars, which prevents fuel from coming out of the gas tank during a car crash.

However, it is not impossible to siphon gas out of any car, you just need special equipment, the know-how, and lots of ingenuity.

Thanks to gravity, it is possible to suck gas out of a car without a machine. The science of siphon is very simple. To extract gas from a car, you need a long hose or a flexible hose. To remove the petrol from the tank, you will need to insert the hose into the tank through the gas cap on the side of the car.

Once the siphon is installed, the other end should be inserted into the petrol can. It should be placed below the level of the LPG tank. This is where gravity and the properties of liquids work. 

The air pressure in the gas tank begins to push the fuel into the hose. Once the fuel enters the hose, gravity draws it from the tank into the waiting gas can or container. Due to the cohesiveness of the liquid, the gas continuously flows out of the tank.

To make the process faster, you need to create a vacuum to change the air pressure in the gas tank. To do this, you can use either your mouth, your fingers, or a specially designed suction pump.

Suction using the mouth to suck on the pipe is probably the quickest way to siphon gas from a car, but it is very dangerous because there is a high risk of getting gasoline in the mouth, and even ingesting it. One safer method is by using your finger inside the other side of the pipe in and out motion to adjust the pressure in the hose.

The easiest way to generate the suction force needed to quickly suck gas from a car is to use a suction pump. Attach the pump to the end of the hose coming out of the vehicle and pump until you see the gas flowing towards you. Once the gas is moving, you can stop the pump and let gravity do it for you.

How To Bypass Anti-Siphon Device?

You can bypass an anti-siphon device by parking your car in a slant position, just so the siphon hose can slide past the anti-siphon device and get the gas, or by disconnecting the fuel line from the gas tank and turning the gasoline into the gas container.

Two devices can prevent you from sucking gas from your car. The first is an anti-siphon screen, which is a mesh strainer that keeps solids out of the gas tank and is usually above the fuel filler tube. The second one is the rollover valve, which is at the entrance of the tank.

This valve is designed to prevent fuel from rolling over and escaping the car, but it can also prevent the siphon hose from sticking into the tank. Therefore, this is often referred to as a siphon prevention valve or anti-siphon valve.

To bypass an anti-siphon device, you would need to take note of these steps and methods.

  • If your car has a siphon prevention screen – an anti-siphon screen – and no rollover valve, the simple trick to suck up most of the gas in the car is to park your car in a slant manner, and just suck up the petrol with a suction hose.

The siphon prevention screen usually works because it is well below the neck of the fuel filler tube. So, just park your car on a steep slope so that the filler goes downhill and the siphon hose can reach a portion of the petrol and suck up the petrol.

The siphon prevention screen in the car can also be broken, although, it is not recommended because it could block the fuel outlet if part of the screen falls into the tank.

However, if you need to do this in extreme situations, you would need a long, sharp object to penetrate the anti-siphon screen – no metal on the metal as it can generate sparks and sparks can cause huge fires.

One good material you can use is to use copper. Copper is highly conductive and usually does not generate sparks.

The copper wire alone will not be strong enough to get through the screen, however, one thing you can do is to create a copper ring and solder it to a copper pipe, then thread the pipe through the fuel tank and use the ring at the end to break the screen.

  • If you also have a rollover valve, you should bypass it as well. The automatic rollover valve allows gas to enter the tank in only one direction. Most rollover valves are either ball valves or flapper valves. You can bypass the rollover valve with the appropriate tool. However, doing so is very difficult and time-consuming.

To bypass and get gas from the gas tank, you can access the fuel from the other side of the tank. To do this, you may have to find the fuel line and remove it. You may need special tools to do this.

It is possible to make your fuel-cutting tool. Attach the hose to the end of the fuel line. Point to the other end of the hose at the canister and turn on the car. The fuel pump allows gas from the tank to flow into the canister. 

You must always turn your car on and off to maintain gas flow. If you cannot turn on the car, you can bypass the relay terminal of the fuel pump instead. This can be done with the engine off if there is a jumper – you can put a paperclip on the engine’s test plug to bypass the fuel pump.

  • There’s another way to bypass a rollover valve. You’ll need about 8 feet of ¼-inch plastic tubing. It should be stiff, but it should still be flexible. Cut the end of the tube diagonally to narrow the end. Insert the hose into the fuel tank. Use twist and push motion when hitting the rollover valve. This causes the hose to pass through the valve and into the fuel tank.

Then attach a thick hose to the end of the ¼-inch hose. Connect a thick hose to the siphon pump. Due to the very narrow hose, it takes about 5 minutes of the active push to suck up a gallon of fuel.

This method is much more difficult than it looks, especially because there is no way to see if the tube passes through the valve. However, if you are to use this method, you may need to purchase and test a replacement rollover valve. You can see what you are doing and understand the correct movement to put the hose into the valve.

What Year Did Anti-Siphon Devices Appear In Cars?

The anti-siphon devices first appeared in automobiles in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The device was designed to prevent fuel uptake. Suited for permanent installation, it is placed in the intake pipe of the fuel tank.

There is an hourglass-shaped balance spring, which is mounted and held in place by a tubular housing with three protrusions. Once the device is installed, the lower end of the device housing spring is positioned so that a significant portion of this spring is below the end of the fill tube. 

Then, with a downward movement, it sticks out directly into the fuel tank. In this way, it prevents the fuel from entering the reservoir quickly and prevents you from inserting tools such as tools to try to remove the fuel – a suction tube or hose to remove gas.

When it comes to sucking petrol from an old car, you can do so by following the steps mentioned in the previous heading, but newer car models have a siphon prevention device that simultaneously prevents backflow, tank pressure, and gas sucking.

This makes it impossible to use traditional suction techniques and tools, which could only damage your car. Therefore, you need a hose and a modern pump with a very small diameter. As far as the principle of gas extraction is concerned, it also applies to new vehicles.

Easiest Cars To Siphon Gas From

There are a lot of car brands that are easy to siphon from. This includes Acura, Audi, Cadillac, Fiat, Hummer, Infinity, Kia, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Porsche, and others.

Some car brands and models were tested, and their siphoning success resulting rates were found to be encouraging. Here are some of them:

  • Acura RDX 2017
  • Audi (A5 2010, R8 2011, and Q5 2014)
  • Fiat 500X 2011-2016
  • Hummer H2 2003
  • Volvo (S40 2005, S80 2011-2016, and XC90 2006)
  • Porsche (911 1999, Boxster 2013, Boxster S 2013, Cayenne 2004, and Panamera 2016)

How Do You Get Gas Out Of A Car Without A Siphon?

You can get gas out of a car without a siphon by disconnecting the fuel line – which is under the car – from the fuel tank, and then using a garden hose for easy drainage into the gasoline container.

Suction is the easiest and most effective way to drain gasoline from a car tank. If you don’t have all the equipment you need to drain the gas, try draining the fuel tank from under the car, and not through the gas cap.

However, this method of discharging gasoline does not work on all vehicle models. You need to go under your car and find a fuel tank, which is a large metal container on the same side as your gas cap where you fill the fuel.

You will need to use a spanner or wrench to loosen the small screw underneath the fuel tank – it is a plug. Make sure you have placed a container under the plug large enough to catch the gas. 

Replacing the screws while degassing is very difficult, so use this method only if you want to remove all gas from the fuel tank. If you don’t have a siphon, you can make one yourself using a garden hose or other long flexible hose.

Can Siphoning Gas Hurt Your Car?

Yes, siphoning gas can hurt your car, especially when tools are forcibly used on the gas tank parts, either while forcing the gas cap open, or sticking sharps through the anti-siphon devices.

Thieves often use force to break into lockable gas caps, and your car may have scratches or dents where they have tried to break in. If the gas cap is damaged, it will not close completely and the locking mechanism may be permanently damaged.

There is no damage if you siphon your car because it just discharges gas directly from the fuel tank, through the suction hose, to the gasoline container. The main risk of siphoning gas from a car is that the gas cap can be damaged when inserting and removing the suction hose.

What Can Food Last Longest? The U.S. Military Scientific Study Results, Will Surprise You!

Food is one of the most essential items that any human would need, and canned foods are great because they provide a source of nutrition that lasts several years. When stocking up on canned foods for the long run, you might want to know what canned food can stay fresh for the longest period.

A strange question, but what can food last longest? Or better said, what canned food lasts the longest? Canned foods with low-acid levels, such as meats and soups, last longer than high-acid canned foods like fruits and juices. Low-acid canned foods often last between 2-5 years, while high-acid foods last around 18 to 24 months.

In a research paper on food storage, Carolyn Rude writes that some canned foods found by the US Army were in good condition after 46 years of storage. If the seal is not broken, canned foods will theoretically never get spoiled.

How Long Does Canned Foods Really Last?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), canned food may last for an indefinite period. This means that while the canned food may have specific ‘best-by’ dates, you can still eat them, years after that date.

Canned foods are popular and often used in many homes because their longevity makes cooking very convenient. Like with all food products, canned foods come with expiry dates that help keep consumers safe.

However, these expiry dates are mostly just placeholders. A lot of canned foods retain quality and taste for more than two years after their expiry date. Hence, it could take many years after the date stamped on the can before an actual decline in quality occurs.

The lifespan of unopened canned food depends on what kind of food it is and its components. A general rule of thumb that is often followed is that – the more acidic the food is, the more likely it is to expire quickly. Conversely, the less acidic the food is, the less likely it is to expire quickly.

Hence, foods with high acid levels like canned tomatoes, fruits, and juices are quicker to decline in quality than low acid foods like canned meats and soups.

Storage habits also play a massive role in the lifespan of canned food. It is often recommended that canned food be stored in a cool and dry place. The best place that comes to mind is a pantry in your kitchen.

It would be best to never put canned food in high-risk areas like above or under the sink, in damp areas, or any place exposed to low and high-temperature extremes like sunlight.

It is also best to adopt the ‘first one in, first one out rule.’ This means you should place newer canned food at the back of the shelf and older ones in front, ensuring that you eat the older ones first. Doing so allows you to eat them while they still maintain a prominent level of freshness and quality.

In their knowledge article, the USDA warns that you should never use food from containers that show botulism warnings.

Botulism is acute food poisoning caused by botulinum toxin produced in food. It is often found growing on improperly sterilized canned foods, especially meat.

Some botulism warnings that you can take note of are bulging cans, cans with leaks, loose lids, and so on. If you notice food cans that show these signs, then they are either contaminated with bacteria or their contents are spoiled and rotten.

You should note that there are two types of canned foods – commercially canned food and homemade canned food. All the information given above is regarding commercially canned food. For homemade canned food, the standards are different.

On the other hand, you should always eat homemade canned food within a year. The reason is that many homemade canned foods lack the preservatives used by commercial brands and manufacturers to ensure that canned foods are kept fresh for years.

Is It Safe To Eat Expired Canned Food?

It is safe to eat expired canned food if it is kept under proper conditions. Most canned foods do not have expiry dates. Instead, they use specific words like ‘best by’ or ‘use by.

The two prominent labels you’ll find on your canned food container are usually ‘Best By’ and ‘Use by’. Manufacturers usually use them to maintain the quality of their brand.

But what exactly are these terms?

  • “Best by” date – This is a date recommended by the manufacturer for you to use the product. According to them, it’s the best time for you to get optimum physical and sensory quality.
  • “Use by” date: This date is also recommended by the manufacturer. It refers to the final days that the product will be at its peak in terms of freshness, flavor, and texture.

Once these dates pass, you’ll begin to see a decline in the quality and freshness of the canned food. That’s why despite the long lifespan of canned foods, it is often recommended to use within a couple of years to enjoy the best quality.

You should, however, take note of the quality of the can before opening it up to eat. If your canned food has a dent or irremovable rust, it could indicate the food is spoiled. Some other apparent signs include:

  • Leaking
  • Bulging
  • A foul smell

All these are indications of the canned food being spoiled or rotten. At this point, throwing away the food is advisable rather than risking any health hazard.


Look above to learn first hand perspective on the reliability of canned foods, and draw some conclusions for yourself!

How Long Does Canned Food Last After Opening?

The period that canned food lasts after opening depends on the exact food type. For instance, canned fruits can last for up to a week, while canned fish should be eaten within two days. You should always cover and refrigerate canned foods after opening.

For high-acid canned food like fruits, unused portions may be stored in the refrigerator for about five to seven days after opening. On the other hand, for low-acid canned food like vegetables, meats, or pillory, unused portions may be stored for about three to four days. This is because low acid foods carry a higher risk of bacterial growth.

The USDA asserts that unused portions of canned food may be stored in the refrigerator. However, to preserve optimum quality and favor, USDA recommends that the unused portion be transferred to an airtight storage container, whether glass or plastic, before refrigeration.

Although commercially canned food usually contains preservatives that help reduce the risk of bacterial growth, you should take precautions to ensure you don’t leave room for your food to be contaminated.

Storing your food in an open can gives room for the iron and tin to sip into the food. The effect of iron and tin sipping into your food is that it adulterates the flavor. It could also cause adverse health effects, hence, the need for an airtight glass or plastic container.

What are the Most Popular Stockpiled Foods?

Answers given by preppers Percentage of results
Spam 20%
Chili 20%
Spaghetti Sauce 9%
Spaghetti 14%
Corned Beef Hash 14%
Canned Vegetables 9%
Beans 14%
All information has been derived from relevant forums

How Long Does Canned Meat Last?

Canned meat can last years past the dates stamped on them. Depending on the type of meat, it could last for about 2-5 years after their ‘best-by’ dates.

Meat is considered one of the most perishable foods, and as such, canned meat may not be able to last an infinite amount of years like other kinds of canned food. However, canned meat can still hold its ground years after its best dates.

Storing your canned meat in a dry and cool place is best like any other canned food. If stored correctly in a dark, dry pantry, your canned meat may even last beyond five years.

Canned meat includes various kinds, such as canned chicken, tuna, corned beef, and spam. All canned meat may last about 2-5 years past the ‘best-by’ date if unopened and safely stored.

On the other hand, if the canned meat has been opened and used, the unused portion can only be stored for about 5-10 days in the refrigerator before going bad.

It is obvious to tell when your canned meat has spoiled since there will usually be a foul smell and the meat will be discolored. Also, once you notice any significant dent on the can or black or brown color upon opening the can, it’s best to toss the meat out.

If you are in-between choosing which canned food that is worth having in reserve, look no further than SPAM. A cooked pork product that has not only been loved domestically but was a great comfort food during times of war. Have a look at this listing here, and stockpile for your home now!

How Long Do Canned Vegetables Last?

Canned vegetables, if properly stored, usually last about 1-2 years past their ‘best-by’ date. This is because of the heat process used to can vegetables and the salt used to preserve them.

Canned vegetables are easily accessible and available as a great alternative to fresh vegetables. They are also very nutritious and healthy, contrary to widespread belief. If you compare the nutritional value of canned and fresh vegetables, there’s barely any difference.

When buying canned vegetables, it is best to check for brands whose can shows that they have ‘low sodium content.’ Like any other canned food, canned vegetables should be stored appropriately to prolong their lifespan and keep them fresh until use. The best place to store them is inside a dark and dry pantry.

Once opened, any unused portion of your canned vegetable should be transferred into an airtight container and stored in the refrigerator.

Any unused portion kept inside the refrigerator can be stored for up to three days. Alternatively, you can put the unused portion into a freezer bag and put it inside a freezer. Frozen vegetables can last about two months.

It is particularly important that you do not keep an opened canned vegetable inside your refrigerator.

The reason is that when contaminated, vegetables have serious adverse effects on the human body. Therefore, while you may store other canned food inside the refrigerator despite being open, you should not take that risk with an opened canned vegetable.

It is easy to tell when your canned vegetable is spoiled or rotten. The most obvious sign is the presence of a foul odor. Also, once you notice the cab is bloated or leaking, it is best to throw the food away. The adverse health effects of eating a spoiled meal are not worth it.

When you decide to cook your canned vegetables, make sure to rinse properly under icy water. This is to cut down the amount of sodium present in your vegetable.

Also, if canned vegetables are mixed with other foods, you might be wondering about their longevity. The combination would last if the quickest expiring ingredient in the dish.

How Long Do Canned Fruits Last?

Canned fruits, like canned vegetables, last about 1-2 years after their ‘Best by’ date if stored correctly. They are usually preserved with added sugar and, as such, remain fresh for years.

There are several kinds of canned fruits ranging from peaches, pears, pineapples, etc. Personal preference does play role with choosing a particular type of fruit, keep in mind you should be looking for quality and taking some mind to quantity. Look here, for an excellent choice of pears in extra light syrup, from DEL MONTE.

Many canned fruits are usually given a ‘best-by’ date of about two years from the date of packaging. However, if stored properly, they could still last an additional 1-2  years, depending on the level of acid present in the fruit.

It is no news that fruits should be treated delicately. This is because, if contaminated or spoiled, it could pose a severe health risk. Hence, to store your canned fruit, you should put it on a shelf where the temperature is cool, and there’s little to no sunlight. You could also store your canned fruit inside a refrigerator.

One thing you should never do is freeze your canned fruits. This is because freezing makes the fruit expand and alters its texture. When unfrozen, the fruit tends to lose taste and some of its nutrients.

There’s also the big issue of the can lid gathering rust if kept in the refrigerator. The effect of this is that it invites harmful bacteria that end up contaminating the fruit.

Once a canned fruit is opened and not finished, it’s best to transfer the unused portion to an airtight storage container. Just as with canned vegetables, it is not advisable to leave opened canned fruit in a refrigerator.

The remnant in the storage container should be put in the coolest part of the refrigerator and eaten within five to seven days.

As with fresh fruits, it is easy to notice when a canned fruit has spoiled or gone sour. There’s the presence of a terrible odor, sour taste, or unusual look. Also, if the can is notably bloated, leaking, or has a broken lid, it’s best to throw it out.

How Long Can a Fat Person Live Without Food: Expert Explains

The body has limits for everything and one common question is how long a person can survive if there is a shortage of food. Since larger people tend to have higher reserves of fat within their bodies, you might be wondering how long their bodies can endure without food.

How Long Can A Fat Person Live Without Food? A fat person might be able to live without food for 8-12 weeks, as long as they drink water. A person’s survival without food depends on the body’s metabolism and overall health.

Science Focus mentions that if you do not eat food for a while, your body will begin to break down stored fat and muscles, converting them into glucose. Losing 40-50% of your weight can be deadly, and most people would die after 8-12 weeks of starvation, regardless of body weight.

How Long Can A Person Survive On Their Fat?

A woman can survive on her fat for an average of 66 days, while a man can only survive for about 53 days. The reason for this difference is that for the same body weight, men tend to have less fat than women on average.

The human body is dynamic because it is built to withstand various types of strain that a person might encounter. One such constraint that humans experience on a daily basis is starvation.

When a person’s food consumption reduces significantly or if a person stops eating completely, their body begins to find ways to compensate for the change in diet.

The body begins to use stored fat as a substitute for inadequate food, but there is a limit to this, as fat cannot be relied upon indefinitely. The duration through which a person can survive on their fat alone is largely influenced by their sex, weight, and overall health.

  • Sex:

Surviving one’s fat level requires greater fat storage capability, and women can store more fat than men of equal weight because they have a higher concentration of the hormone estrogen.

Men, on the other hand, are better at converting fat into usable calories for energy. Also, for the same duration and amount of physical activity, men burn more fat than women, meaning they will likely use up their fat faster than women.

The difference in fat content between men and women also makes women better suited to survive cold weather. The higher fat content in women means they have a higher chance of enduring winter and famine.

  • Weight:

Fat is required for energy, which is essential for survival. A person’s body weight can influence the amount of fat that can be converted into useful calories for energy.

So, the heavier a person is, the more likely it is for them to have a higher level of fat, making them survive on fat for a longer period.

  • General Health:

A person’s survival on their fat depends on how healthy they are, how much muscle mass they have to help burn off calories, and how little of it they need to build muscle for energy.

Overall, these factors heavily influence surviving solely on fat, and a person should be fully aware of their fat levels and body status.

How Long Can A 200-Pound Person Go Without Food?

A 200-pound person can go without food for about 3 to 6 weeks. Your body can compensate for food deprivation by using stored fat, but after a while, it will lose the strength to cope with weight loss.

As mentioned in the previous heading, the amount of time a person can survive on fat without food is significantly affected by their body weight.

A 200-pound person cannot survive on fat for long because if they go without food for an extended period, they will lose weight. Initially, weight loss not might be so dangerous, but if it continues for long, it can cause harm and even death.

Apart from general weight and fat content, a 200-pound person might lose weight less slowly, depending on their body genetics and metabolism.

Some people can go longer than others without eating because of their genetics. Likewise, a person’s body metabolism rate affects their capacity to survive on fat. People may have different rates of fat breakdown, so one 200-pound person might survive longer than another.

In essence, a 200-pound person can typically survive on fat for three to six weeks. However, some variations still affect their survival rate, so it’s important to maintain the right nutritional levels to be on the safe side.

How Long Can A 600-Pound Person Live Without Food?

A 600-pound person can live without food for 50 to 90 days by surviving on fat. A person can only survive for 90 days on fat deposits to compensate for the caloric deficit caused by malnutrition.

The body of a 600-pound person can meet most of their calorie needs from stored fat, but it exhausts in about 8-12 weeks regardless of their initial body weight. When their stored fat reserves are depleted, they are unable to survive and cannot compensate for their diet’s insufficient caloric content.

According to the official calorie intake calculator, to maintain their weight, a 600-pound man should consume approximately 11,000 calories per day, while a 600-pound woman should consume 8000 calories per day.

When the body’s fat reserves are exhausted, a 600-pound person cannot continue to maintain the body’s calorie requirements for very long, endangering their health.

Furthermore, body fat sustainability is affected by their level of physical exertion, hydration, and overall health. If these factors are adequate, you can keep your body fat for much longer than if they are less than optimal. 

What Lengths Would You Go For Food if You Had A Lack of Food or Money

What hungry people did to get food (according to accounts of this happening)Percentages of results:
Have not gone hungry/have not been in this situation76.1%
I have stolen to eat (food and/or money)8.1%
I have “dumpster dived” for food8.1%
I have lied for food5.6%

How Long Can A Fat Person Live Without Food and Water?

A fat person can live without food for about 8 to 12 weeks, which is longer than a thin person would survive. When it comes to water, however, most humans cannot survive for more than 3 days without a drink.

Food and water are necessary for both necessary for not just growth and productivity, but our general survival. The effect that starvation has on individuals varies depending on how healthy they are and their metabolism levels.

Water is generally more important than food since we can survive for a lot longer without food than without water. The average human will not be able to go past a few days without water, and a few weeks without food.

However, there are always exceptional cases. Based on scientific research, it may be possible for a person to go 8 to 21 days without food or water. The time range can also be affected by how physically active a person is.

A person’s longevity when starved can also depend on their weight. While a slim person might not last a long while without food and water, a fat person generally has a higher chance of survival.

A fat person has the advantage because their body will begin to use the excess fat stored in their body when there is no access to food. This means that a fat person will likely live a while longer than a slim person in cases of starvation.

Generally, the “rule of 3s” provides an estimate for the likelihood that humans would survive in the absence of food and water. The limit of the basic survival factors includes:

  • 3 minutes without oxygen

The body can only endure 3 minutes without oxygen.

  • 3 days without water

Water constitutes approximately one-third of the human body, and the body can survive without water for only 3 days.

  • 3 weeks without food

Food supplements the nutritional intake of the body, and the body can only thrive for 3 weeks without food on average.

Food and water are both essential for the survival of life, and a fat person cannot survive long without these three necessities of life.

Water and food deprivation can have serious health effects. Some of them consist of:

  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Blood pressure drop
  • Slower heart rate
  • Hypotension and Acute weakness
  • Low nutritional levels
  • Dehydration and Abdominal pain
  • Body temperature fluctuation
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Fatigue and depression
  • Heart attack and death

The absence of food and water in the body can seriously harm a person’s activity levels. Additionally, body fat mass comprises 50% water, which supplements a fat person’s deficiency levels for proper body functioning.

The bottom line is that food and water are both essential to sustain life, and there is a limit to how long a fat person will survive irrespective of their fat level.

How Long Can A Fat Person Live Without Food But With Water?

A fat person can live for several weeks without food, as long as they have access to water. While food is essential for survival, water is more important, and access to fluid can keep a fat person going for one or two months.

The body requires plenty of water to function properly. Water is required to regulate the body’s pH, transport nutrients, eliminate toxins, and keep cells alive. On average, a person can only go three days without water.

A fat person might survive without water for about a day or two longer than a normal person because their excess fat contains water levels that can be absorbed back into their body fluid. Body fat can keep a fat person going for six to eight weeks without eating, but this is not so with water.

As is often said, “Water is life”. Without water, the body will self-destruct. According to scientific studies, the brain and heart are 73%, and the lungs are 83%. The skin is 64% water, and the muscles and kidneys are 79% water.

On the other hand, while we need food to survive, it is not as crucial as water. If someone does not take any food but has access to water, they can survive for much longer than they would without any water.

The average person can survive with water alone for about one or two months, and a fat person’s reserves might take them a bit longer than that. Again, the exact duration varies between individuals.

A great way to evaluate how long a person would live with water but no food is hunger strikes. For most people that began voluntary hunger strikes and died as a result, their death usually occurred about 55 to 75 days after the strike began.

Who Would Die First Of Starvation, A Fat Or A Thin Person?

Between a fat and a thin person, a thin person will likely die first of starvation. This is because the excess fat in a fat person’s body will provide enough calories to sustain them for longer periods.

Total starvation usually results in death within 8 to 12 weeks, regardless of initial body weight. Fat levels, however, can extend a person’s survival period, making fat people fare better than thin people. A fat person has extra fat that replenishes extra energy calories and can tolerate up to 20% more energy than a thin person.

A thin person is also less likely to survive starvation than a fat person because they have a slower metabolic rate, and their bodies use more energy. They have no energy reserves and thus will always be at a disadvantage.

Even if the body still has fat reserves after starvation, protein loss affects the function of vital organs and poses serious health risks. Thin people’s fat reserves deplete faster than fat people’s, increasing their risk of starvation, infections, and death.

Additionally, fat people burn excess fat deposits as energy calories, especially if these calories contain a high proportion of protein. Being overweight will make you live much longer because your body can get most of the calories it needs from stored fat.

Body fat is essentially reserved energy. The skinny person will always die of starvation before a fat person because they literally have fewer energy reserves to fall back on, thus hastening their inevitable demise. A fat person will be able to compensate for starvation from their reserved fat deposits.

To avoid risks of unwanted health events, know your body fat levels and take proper nutritional food dieting.

How Much Does A Bulletproof Vest Cost: Real Retail Data

With a lot of people having access to guns, there are frequent gun-related attacks happening every day, with a lot of them leading to serious injuries, and even death. Whether you are a security employee or simply a civilian looking to stay safe, you might be wondering what the price of a bulletproof vest might be.

How Much Does A Bulletproof Vest Cost? The cost of a high-quality bulletproof vest ranges from about $250 to over $1000. Factors that determine the cost are the cloth material, plate type, level of protection, and retailer brand.

In a paper on the improvement of bulletproof vests, Naveen Kumar, a researcher at JIET, India, mentioned that the most popular materials used in the production of bulletproof vests are Kevlar, Spectra Shield, Twaron, and Bynema.

How Long Does A Bulletproof Vest Last?

Depending on individual quality, a bulletproof vest lasts between 5 to 10 years. The durability of a bulletproof vest depends on the conditions under which it is stored.

The essence of a bulletproof vest is to provide protection to its user from penetration by bullets and fragments from explosions. You might need a bulletproof vest for a tactical exercise or in case of an emergency while you’re away from your home.

Like all products, bulletproof vests are not eternal. At some point, the quality of a bulletproof vest begins to wane. For most bulletproof vests expiration is at least 5 years after production, depending on its management and materials.

During the manufacturing process, bulletproof vests undergo a series of evaluations to test the resilience of the fibers (Kevlar, Twaron, or Dyneema), which are the core materials used in the production of a bulletproof vest.

These tests are done to determine the durability of the materials used during production and what happens when these materials lose their efficiency.

A few days after expiration does not render your bulletproof vest totally useless; however, the chances of this vest coming to your rescue begin to reduce. When a vest passes its expiry date, the level of protection might reduce, leaving its user at risk.

Apart from the age of a bulletproof vest, how you use it and where you store it can affect its durability. The fibers and other materials that make up a vest will begin to get worn out after constant use, so you should inspect your vest regularly.

When storing your bulletproof vest, you should keep it away from excess heat, sunlight, and humidity, as they can shorten the lifespan of your vest.

Once a bulletproof vest loses efficiency, it leaves the user vulnerable to bullet attacks or shrapnel from an explosion, causing a lot of harm. It is best not to take a risk by using an expired bulletproof vest and just get yourself a new one. 

How Much Does A Bulletproof Vest Weigh?

A bulletproof vest weighs around 4.4 pounds to 6.6 pounds. The weight of a bulletproof vest is determined by the kind of materials used in its production and its plate coverage.

Bulletproof vests vary in weight because of a difference in the protective materials used. For regular civilian bulletproof vests, the average weight is between 4.4 and 6.6 lbs (2 kg to 3 kg). Light bulletproof vests are made possible by the invention of lightweight composite armor.

The ballistic panel is a standard determinant of a bulletproof vest’s weight, and the material differs depending if it is for a Hard or Soft-armored bulletproof vest. It is only logical for the hard-armored vest to weigh more due to existing materials like components from ceramics and other bullet-resistant fibers like Kevlar.

A hard-armored vest has a high resistance to rifle calibers and even impact from grenades. However, their weight makes them uncomfortable to wear around, unless you are a highly trained professional.

A soft bulletproof vest, on the other hand, consists of lighter ballistic plates. Of course, you don’t expect it to be as light as cotton candy, but it is a lot more comfortable than a hard-armored vest.

The use of lightweight bulletproof vests has increased recently due to their success rate in high resistance and lightness compared to older, heavier versions. The weight of a bulletproof vest also varies depending on the purpose it is worn to serve.

Whether it is for a tactical assignment or personal protection, you should consider the vest weight that suits your convenience or assignment. Choosing a wrongly weighted vest can be as dangerous as being naked to bullet attacks or shrapnel from an explosion.

Some disadvantages of using an improper vest include:

  • Slow and uncomfortable movement
  • Embarrassing appearance
  • Posture deformity
  • Critical injuries
  • Death

You do not have to look like a RoboCop before protecting yourself. The right vest weight can make you look smart, move smart, and save your life.

What Caliber Does Body Armor Stop?

The caliber that body armor stops depends on the level of the armor. Soft body armor (levels IIA, II, and IIIA) can protect against most handguns, while hard body armor (levels III and IV) can protect against sniper and assault rifles.

A bulletproof vest does not necessarily serve as a wall that makes you completely immune to bullets. In some cases, you might still get killed from a bullet attack while having a vest on.

Body armor serves as a layer of resistance to penetration from bullets. Body armor is classified into protection levels based on a standard imposed by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

If the bullet is fired at a close range or if its caliber is much higher than the NIJ protection level of the armor, the bullet is likely to penetrate the armor.

Here is a breakdown of the body armor protection levels and the corresponding caliber that they can protect you from.

  • NIJ protection level IIA:

This armor level protects against ammunition from short barrel handguns. Its caliber protection covers 9mm and .40 Smith and Wesson ammunition.

  • NIJ protection level II:

Level II armor also protects from short barrel handguns and can prevent 9mm and .357 Magnum ammunition from penetration.

  • NIJ protection level IIIA:

Unlike its counterparts above, level IIIA armor is better suited for handguns with longer barrels, withstanding .357 SIG and .44 Magnum ammunition.

  • NIJ protection level III:2

Considerably stronger than the three previous levels, level III armor provides protection against .762 mm FMJ ammunition fired from rifles.

  • NIJ protection level IV:

This is the most powerful armor level, and it is perfect for safeguarding wearers against .30 caliber ammunition from armor-piercing rifles.

The first three levels above are classified as soft armor, while the last two belong to the hard armor categorization.

You should note that the NIJ protection level I is the oldest armor level. It is no longer in use since its technology is outdated, making it ineffective for proper protection. Using a bulletproof vest can grant you a certain level of confidence, knowing that you are mostly safe from bullets that might be fired at you.

However, a bulletproof vest’s function is only significant when you are aware of its NIJ protection level, so you can know what types of ammunition caliber you are protected against.

Using the wrong body armor is as bad as bringing a knife to a gunfight, and you might just get yourself injured or killed.

Can A Bulletproof Vest Stop A Knife?

No, a bulletproof vest cannot stop a knife as the components of a bulletproof vest are specifically designed to be resistant to bullets. Rather, you should get a stab-proof vest since it is better suited for stopping knives.

A bulletproof vest is manufactured to absorb the impact of low and high-caliber ammunition using specific materials and fibers. Unfortunately, their action is limited, and they cannot perfectly repel attacks from sharp-edged objects like knives and broken bottles.

This handicap of the bulletproof vest led to the invention of the stab-proof vest. A stab-proof vest is specifically designed to block attacks from sharp-edged objects, and it would conveniently protect you from knife attacks, unlike an average bulletproof vest.

The material used in the production of a stab-proof vest is known as Aramid fiber or Dyneema, and they both have properties that prevent objects with sharp edges from penetrating through to the user’s skin.

Although it has been concluded that a bulletproof vest will not protect you from knife attacks, some tests have proven that body armor with higher concentrated properties might just save you from a knife.

NIJ level III and level IV vests consist of steel properties designed to stop armor-piercing bullets, and this can work to a considerable extent in trapping the penetration of a knife attack.

Can I Buy A Bulletproof Vest?

Yes, you can buy a bulletproof vest. It is legal for a civilian to own a bulletproof vest for protection against attacks. The aim of body armor is to protect you against gun attacks.

Defense is a priority and the only thing stopping you from owning a bulletproof vest is your choice. It is legal to own a vest in most places, and it is even considered the right of a citizen to own one.

In the US, over 45,000 people died from gun attacks in the year 2020; there might have been a decrease in the statistical analysis of the death rate if these people had a bulletproof vest on. This further justifies the safety precaution, claiming that all citizens must have at least a vest of body armor at arm’s length in case of emergencies.

However, there is a federal law that prevents convicted felons from owning a bulletproof vest without permission from their employer. Unlike acquiring a gun, owning a bulletproof vest doesn’t require lots of paperwork. Any NIJ-certified store should provide you with a high-quality vest within a short period.

As important as it is to own a bulletproof vest, it is also mandatory to understand the kind of body armor that suits your need. There is no need to purchase bulky body armor if you are looking to protect yourself from an environment surrounded by minimal caliber risk from handguns.

It is advisable to carry out research before purchasing a vest and also look out for the store you are buying from; to avoid getting yourself an expired vest that won’t be of any help to you.

Profession or lifestyle is not a criterion that determines your need for a vest. Everyone needs protection, so you do not have to be a top combatant in the army before owning a bulletproof vest, you can purchase your vest for your household protection.

Reasons to Buy Bulletproof Vest

Reasons as to buy:Explanation to why:
Buying it for intrudersDepending on where you live, having protection against any house intruders can be incredibly good in high crime-rate cities.
Prepping for future situationsWithout ever knowing if the world can go to hell in a handbasket, its good to prepare ahead of time. Riots can start in the case of civil unrest along with raiding. Its good to remember that anything can happen at a moments notice.

What Level Body Armor Can Civilians Own?

Civilians can own any protection level armor of their choice. There are different levels of body armor depending on their ballistic properties and coverage, and there is no restriction on the level of body armor that can be owned by civilians.

Based on the NIJ’s standards, there are five different protection levels of body armor (Level IIA, II, IIA, III, IV); and they are graded based on the quality of materials used for production and the kind of caliber they protect the wearer against.

It is not always necessary to purchase a level IV body armor when a level IIIA can serve you just fine. Regardless of choice, there is no law stopping a civilian from acquiring their preferred body armor as long as the purpose of purchase is not for criminal activity.

Some manufacturers prefer selling higher graded levels to the government instead of civilians, understanding that bulletproof vests of a higher level would be more useful on the military field or for other tactical exercises.

Of course, you need to understand what the protection level of bulletproof vests means before deciding to walk into a store to grab yourself one. There are factors to consider, like your environment, budget and usage.

You don’t want to be that clueless civilian who purchases a level IV armor just to store it in a room or is discomforted by its bulkiness. That being said, the decision solely depends on your choice. If you want to acquire the highest level of body armor, then go for it.

What Are Citronella Candles Used For: What Experts Say

When we consider candles, most people think of them as a source of lighting and a means of decoration. While citronella candles can perform these functions listed above, they also have another purpose that is entirely unique.

What Are Citronella Candles Used For? In addition to being used for setting the mood, citronella candles are used to repel insects such as mosquitoes and flies. Due to their strong scent, citronella candles make it hard for these insects to detect food.

Based on a 2019 study, citronella candles were discovered to be effective at repelling mosquitoes, even more than other commercial repellants.

What Are The Benefits Of Citronella Candles?

One major benefit of citronella candles is that they can repel insects such as mosquitoes, as effectively as regular repellents. They also serve as a source of lighting and can be used to help set a calm mood.

The fact that citronella-scented candles have a dual benefit is the best aspect of their effect. You may combine the benefits of natural insect repellant with the aesthetics of burning, flickering candles.

The candles often come with a variety of gorgeous holders that can be easily and strategically positioned throughout spaces in your home to create a lovely mood.

For both repellant and lighting purposes, you should be sure to cover the entire space. Don’t be scared to go overboard; the candles have an organic lemon flavor and will still produce a pleasant, fresh scent.

The active component in citronella candles is citronella oil. Drying a grassy plant called Cymbopogon Nardus (citronella grass) yields citronella oil. In contrast to chemical repellents like those found in bug sprays, citronella oil is a natural product.

While citronella might not always kill insects, it effectively repels them. Numerous insects, including mosquitoes, black flies, flies, and ticks, are repelled by citronella oil. Its unusual smell makes it challenging for some insects to find a host.

This explains the constant debate about citronella candles’ effects on insects. In seasons when mosquitoes cause considerable havoc to families hoping for a quiet day away from a busy schedule, citronella oil candles are frequently utilized as garden candles.

Citronella oil has also found use in the personal care industry. Because of its appealing scent, citronella has served as a fragrance for many years in various products.

Candles manufactured from citronella oil are a safe and effective alternative as the oil might not always be safe or effective when applied directly to the skin. The candles enable a tiny amount of the aroma to be breathed in and aid the body, mind, and soul in processing the oil’s natural elements.

What Bugs Does Citronella Repel?

Citronella works as a repellent for many bugs, but the most common are mosquitoes, keeping them off the immediate surrounding. It is the oil derived from the citronella plant that has such an effect. Asides from mosquitoes, the smell of citronella may also be offensive to wasps and bees.

Typical targets of citronella candles are mosquitoes and gnats. They might stop a few cockroaches in the air from buzzing toward the lights, but they won’t likely prevent them from marching into your house.

However, applying citronella oil to cockroach-infested areas may be more effective than using candles. It is great as it is non-toxic and pet safe. Although citronella oil has some mosquito-repelling properties, a candle’s output won’t have much of an impact. Most of the time, a citronella candle will have a citronella concentration of no more than 5%. 

The citronella plant is also great for deterring flies, although it is sensitive to the cold and needs at least six hours of sunlight each day. The majority of insect repellents contain citronella and it works for files in the same way as for other insects. It doesn’t send off flies forever, it simply keeps them from the space where the scent of citronella is present.

Bees and wasps can be also repelled by citronella oil. Candles, citronella oil, or even the whole plant might be used. Wasps and bees should be deterred by placing citronella at strategic locations throughout your home.

This oil is a secure substitute for keeping bees away from your house because it doesn’t harm them in the least. The stench is generally avoided by the bugs and it can spread through quite a distance. You can further use the oil to stop the insects from returning to a particular location where they typically make their nests.

What are Popular Choices For Mosquito Repellent?

OFF RepellentThough of course it’s popular, its consistency is un-deniable. OFF is useful for when there are minor mosquitos or bugs in your area.
REPELUsually repel is more stronger than OFF. it’s typically used when going hiking for example. Its a bit more strong and offers great protection for long walks in a humid environment.

Where Should You Put Citronella Candles?

You should put your citronella candles in strategic areas, particularly in spots with high insect populations. For safety, you can place them outside your home, but in a location where they won’t be affected by rain or wind.

In addition to providing elegance to your yard, citronella candles shield you from insects. This plant extract hides smells from curious insects, preventing them from finding you. Citronella candles are best when used while you’re outside.

With citronella candles outdoors, you can enjoy nature without being concerned about pests. You can conveniently sit by the grill, take a nap in a hammock, lounge on the patio, or go camping.

The size of the candle and the environment where you want to place it are both essential for considering placement. Generally speaking, a candle will burn longer the larger it is. However, a larger candle may not always be more effective against flying insects than a smaller candle.

You may require a long-lasting or bigger candle for larger spaces. Hence, the longer it burns, the more space it can cover and the longer it can keep insects away. Weak flames on smaller candles like tealights and votives are protected by cramped areas, such as an enclosed porch.

Some of these tiny candles can even be used inside; nevertheless, to guarantee safety, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 

On the other hand, a deck or patio is in the open, so you will need a candle with superior resistance to the wind outdoors for these areas. This could be a citronella candle in a protective holder or a tin candle. A bucket candle or lantern that can burn for several hours and resist a strong wind is an excellent idea to bring outdoors.

In a heavily mosquito-infested area, citronella candles may be the wrong choice of insecticide. The size of the candle or its placement might not be important if the insects are in very large numbers.

Can You Leave Citronella Candles Outside In The Rain?

Citronella candles cannot stay burning in the rain, hence, it is not alright to leave them out in the rain. Under rainy conditions, you should opt for other repellent options that are better suited for rain.

Your citronella candle will have trouble remaining alight if it’s raining or windy. In such instances, an insect spray with DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or picaridin is preferable.

When using citronella candles, keep in mind that if you only have one or two in an open location, they won’t have much of an impact on insects, especially if there is a windy day.

Citronella candles deter insects by masking smells that insects find attractive. If the wind is continuously renewing the air, the citronella odor won’t be as noticeable in the atmosphere. So, citronella candles perform best in environments with little air movement.

While citronella candles are best for dry days, you can find ways to use them in rainy conditions as long as you can shield them from rain.

The same thing goes with windy days. For you to keep citronella candles outside on a windy day, you should protect them from the wind, ensuring that they remain productive.

Overall, when it is rainy outside, it is best to bring your candles indoors. Although both the wax and the wick might not be damaged by rain, it is better to store them inside for longer burning times.

You might need to take some measures if your citronella candle gets beaten by rain. First, make sure to dry off all of the water from the candle’s body, then trim off the part of the wick that got wet.

This is necessary because a wet candle might not burn as efficiently as a dry one, reducing how effective your citronella candle will be against insects.

Is Citronella Safe To Breathe?

Citronella is safe to breathe, and the effect of inhaling it varies from person to person. For some people, citronella is relaxing, while it is stimulating for others. Except in cases where it is burned and smokey, merely breathing citronella is not dangerous.

Citronella is generally recognized as safe by official health bodies. It is licensed as both an animal repellent and an insect repellent/feeding depressant. As long as you use citronella products properly by sticking to the regulations given by manufacturers, then you should not have any problem with the products.

Citronella oil is an essential oil, and it is often used in humidifiers, spreading it around a particular space that needs the scent. This is only allowed because diluted citronella oil is safe when inhaled.

However, concentrated citronella oil is another matter entirely. Inhaling concentrated citronella oil can irritate mucous membranes and cause lung damage, so it is not safe to breathe it in. Citronella oil also shouldn’t be used by people on medication, such as cancer patients who depend on estrogen.

Undiluted citronella oil is too concentrated and can lead to issues such as an accelerated heart rate. It is always recommended to dilute pure citronella oil with a carrier oil before use.

Citronella can also be very harmful to pets. They are toxic to dogs because they can cause stomach cramping when consumed by creatures drawn to their scent. Citronella candle smoke can cause breathing problems in animals and can affect their lungs.

Generally, chemicals can enter a person’s body through their mouth, nose, skin, or eyes. The most common ways that people are frequently exposed to citronella oil are by inhaling its fumes or by using spray-on insect repellents containing citronella.

If you inhale the spray mist or eat before washing your hands after using a citronella product, you can get affected.

The skin and eyes may experience irritation from citronella oil, especially if it is concentrated. When exposed to citronella repeatedly or over an extended period, some people may also develop skin allergies. People who eat it might get a cough or a sore throat.

How Long Can You Keep Citronella Candles?

The longevity of a citronella candle is 24 months (two years). Even though a citronella candle will not expire, its quality will begin to deteriorate with time because it is made from citronella oil, which is an organic material.

Generally, candles do not go bad, but if they are made of organic components, they will begin to lose quality. For citronella candles, before the wax’s integrity is damaged, this deterioration will first show up as a decrease in scent and color loss. However, as long as there is wax and a wick, a candle will burn.

Candles can be made from a variety of wax kinds, some of which have a longer lifespan. Paraffin is the most popular type of candle wax used in commercial citronella candles. Soy and possibly beeswax are the other two natural waxes you might have in your picnic basket for bothersome mosquitoes.

Paraffin is a petroleum-based wax and it is better than its natural counterparts at holding scents Paraffin is also the most affordable wax and its candles can survive up to five years with proper care.

So, if your citronella candles are made from paraffin, they can last for several years, even if their scent might not be as strong as when you bought them.

To preserve the value of the citronella candle, certain things need to be adhered to. Regardless of their intended purpose, all candles must be kept dry. By itself, the humidity will damage the wax, impair the burning process, and cause the flame to go out too soon.

A damp wick may not even light, and if it does, it won’t be at its best. Keep in mind that storing your candles outside will expose them to excessive moisture in the air in some areas.

How Long To Perk Coffee: From The Experts

If you purchase coffee from restaurants, it is easy to take for granted how much effort goes into its preparation. Some coffee enthusiasts will tell you that coffee-making is an art, and you need to take careful note of every aspect, including how long you percolate coffee.

How long to perk coffee? Coffee should be percolated for about 3-10 minutes, depending on the size of the coffee grounds and the taste you want. If you percolate coffee for too long, it will taste burnt and bitter.

In a post by HomeGrounds, percolated coffee does not always taste great when compared to coffee prepared by other methods. However, an electric percolator can get your coffee ready in just three minutes.

How To Percolate Coffee

How you percolate coffee depends on whether you are using a traditional or electric percolator. Both methods require that you put some water in the percolator tank, add the coffee grounds to the basket, and connect the percolator to a heat source.

Percolating coffee is an easy process, and you can decide which will be more convenient, an electric or traditional percolator. Both methods follow similar steps except that with an electric model, you skip the process of lighting up a heat source.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to percolate coffee:

  • Begin by removing the upper chamber to add your preferred quantity of water to the percolator tank. The water quantity depends on how much coffee you want to brew. Some percolators hold up to 8 cups of water but if your brewer tank is smaller, avoid overfilling it.
  • Some coffee percolators are designed such that you have to take the upper chamber (including the basket) out to add water. If you had to do this, replace the chamber after putting in water.
  • Next, add the coffee grounds to the replaced basket. The quantity of fresh coffee or pre-ground coffee you add depends on how strong you like your coffee. Recently ground coffee may taste stronger too as coffee beans lose their flavor with time.
  • Now, place the percolator on a heat source or plug the cord in, if it is an electric model. Stovetop percolators offer more control over the degree of heat.
  • What follows is monitoring the coffee as it brews. If your percolator has a glass top, you can see the brewing progress without lifting the lid. Electric percolators require less monitoring as they have sensors that can detect the coffee’s optimal temperature and prevent overheating.
  • When the brewing is done, separate the upper basket from the percolator and transfer your coffee to a mug.

Which are Preferred more? Drip or Percolated?

Percentage of those who like drip coffee makers over percolator coffee makers:58.97%
Ones who prefer percolator coffee makers over drip coffee makers:27.35% (rest of percentage are neither, or other)

Percolator Coffee to Water Ratio

The recommended ratio is to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee beans for every 6 ounces of water you add to the percolator reservoir. This may differ according to individual preferences.

While the ratio mentioned above is used quite often, you should feel free to add more water or coffee ground to achieve a weaker or stronger coffee.

You will often be able to add just as much water as the percolator tank can accommodate, so, if you want a light coffee, consider adding little coffee grounds. Depending on the device’s design, you may lose some water to evaporation as the coffee brews.

Filling the coffee basket may be tempting, especially if you intend to have the coffee at intervals all day. Remember that the longer the coffee sits, the more bitter it tastes. Some individuals prefer bitter coffee but if you don’t, it’s better to brew the coffee in small quantities each time you are ready for a drink.

For some coffee lovers, 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds for each cup of water is just ideal to get them a strong coffee. Similarly, 1 teaspoon per cup works for a weaker coffee.

What matters is that you stick to a measurement that makes the right-tasting coffee for your tastebuds. When in doubt, you can measure the roast coffee with a scale to get accurate proportions.

Measuring matters because it is the surest way to maintain a consistent coffee taste with each brew. Measuring accurately is just as important as measuring at all, so, get a scale. A standard kitchen scale, the coffee grounds, and water are all you need.

Reset the scale and measure the water first, adding a bit more for what will be lost during evaporation. Get a clean dry container to measure the coffee beans, pay attention to the servings you used, and adjust them accordingly to get the desired coffee taste.

How Do You Know When Percolator Coffee Is Done?

The easiest way to know when a percolator coffee is done is by listening to hear the sputtering sound coming from the device. Also, look out for bubbles that show the water has reached its boiling point. Your coffee is ready once the “perking” stops.

It is easier to monitor your coffee as it brews if the percolator comes with a transparent top. When sputtering begins, you will see the bubbles without having to open the percolator.

Listen for the sputtering sound to hear how fast it is as faster bubbling means the water is hotter. If you do not want your coffee deeply brewed or dark, you should take it away from the stovetop when the sputtering start.

Reducing the heat from the stovetop when you begin to hear the sputtering sound gives you more control over its taste. You can leave the coffee to brew for an additional 10 minutes if you want it to come out stronger and darker.

If you use an electric percolator, less monitoring is needed. Depending on the machine you have, the device may have a timer to alert you once the coffee reaches its boiling point. Some models have internal sensors that detect when the coffee is getting too hot. The machine then automatically shuts off.

If yours doesn’t have this feature, monitor the percolator activity so you don’t end up with over-extracted or under-extracted coffee. It might also help to use a timer. The percolator releasing steam is a sign that the coffee is brewing too hot. Unplug or bring it down for a while to cool before resuming brewing.

So long as the coffee tastes right to you, then it is done. You want to avoid overheating it as this can cause the percolated coffee to taste bitter. Just make sure you can see the brew producing bubbles without boiling. Once it begins sputtering, leave it for a few more minutes on reduced heat.

Can You Percolate Coffee Too Long?

Yes, percolating coffee for more than 10 minutes is considered too long. It affects the coffee’s flavor and makes it taste burnt and bitter. Between 5-10 minutes should be ideal to get the right flavor.

Percolating coffee for too long results in over-extraction and even for people who prefer a stronger brew, over-extracted coffee hardly tastes right. This is why proper monitoring is essential during percolation. Overboiling is the first sign that the coffee grounds are soaking up excessively.

Ideally, the percolating coffee should not boil. Pay attention to when the machine begins to produce steam and reduce its temperature so that the liquid keeps moving up and down in the pot without boiling. It may sound like a demanding process but using the right technique is important to get delicious, percolated coffee.

What causes the bitterness in over-extracted coffee is the brewed coffee going through the cycle again. Aside from a lengthy brewing duration, the size of your coffee grounds can affect its taste too. For the best results, use a coarser grind if you are brewing your coffee for a longer time.

Coarse coffee grounds pair with hot water to create a great-tasting coffee. Another advantage is that they can’t penetrate the basket and ruin your brew. You can set your coffee grinder to achieve the texture or look for products labeled “coarse” if purchasing pre-ground coffee.

Some coffee grounds come with instructions to brew for up to 7 minutes but brewing for a shorter time can also produce enjoyable coffee. It’s best to experiment with different durations if it’s your first-time percolating coffee. However, it is advisable to start by brewing for a brief period and then increasing the time if you find that the initial result wasn’t strong enough.

The longer the coffee brews, the stronger the result. If you like your coffee strong, around 6-8 minutes of brewing should be ideal. Even for people who enjoy strong coffee, percolating for more than 10 minutes can affect the coffee’s taste.

When Should You Make Coffee in a Percolator?

You should make coffee in a percolator if you want a hotter, bold-flavored coffee. Using a percolator is the most suitable option for brewing coffee outdoors and in copious quantities. Percolators are also perfect if you want a solution that allows you to clean up quickly after brewing.

It’s why professionals love to brew with percolators because they can trust the rich flavors of percolated coffee. It may be a classical approach, but the combination of the double-brew method and hot temperatures is what sets this brewing method apart.

If you want to enjoy coffee while camping or during other outdoor activities, brewing with a percolator is a convenient method. The machine has a strong build and is compact enough to fit into your travel bag.

With a stove percolator, you don’t need an electrical outlet to brew coffee. As long as you have your coffee grounds, clean water, heat source, and the machine itself, you can enjoy coffee outdoors.

Since percolators brew in 10 minutes or less, you have plenty of time to carry on in your adventures. 

Percolators come in big sizes too and using one of those allows you to brew a large capacity of coffee at once. Some can take up to 12 cups of water and are ideal for serving many guests. 

Large coffee percolators will prevent the trouble of having to brew coffee in several batches when there are lots of cups to fill. So, if you’re hosting a party, making coffee in a percolator is timesaving.

Percolators have a straightforward design so you can separate the upper chamber and tank. This allows for proper cleaning without leaving residues that give the coffee an acidic taste. If you make coffee frequently and want a machine that provides easy cleaning, consider a coffee percolator.

Do Percolators Make Stronger Coffee?

Percolated coffee is stronger than most brews because it goes through a continuous cycle of brewing. As the water in the tank rises to the tube, it reaches the coffee grounds, and the process repeats itself.

Preparing coffee in a percolator delivers the most authentic coffee flavors.

Percolated coffee creates a bold flavor that can be even stronger when you use fine coffee grounds. Unlike coarse grounds, fine coffee grounds transfer their flavor into the water faster as it recirculates. The water temperature when brewing in a percolator is usually around 392 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) which is ideal.

Allowing your coffee to boil beyond this temperature ruins its flavor and creates an overly strong coffee. To get a milder brew, use a light coffee roast that contains little acid. Of course, brewing the coffee for a shorter period also creates weaker coffee.

The brewing method makes percolated coffee stronger but there’s the possibility of over-extraction. When the water recirculates the coffee grounds too many times, this occurs, and the result is a bitter-tasting coffee. Therefore, brewing with a percolator requires more attention. You’d have to consistently regulate the temperature to prevent the brew from boiling.

Your goal should be to percolate coffee that is strong enough without tasting burnt. The coffee begins brewing once it starts to “perk”. This is the right time to adjust the temperature if you are using a stovetop percolator.

With an electric model, you may need to unplug the percolator at this point to let it cool before you plug it in again to begin brewing. Keeping the water temperature right and brewing for the right duration creates percolated coffee with optimal strength.
